Monday, July 02, 2007

Knocked sideways

I’ve conveniently decided to use Pompous Fact #2726 (“Anticipation-is-everything!”) to placate my unsettled nerves and to explain to myself why it is that I’m not exactly bubbling over with manic joy at finally being adrift again. I’m certainly not unhappy. I think I’m mostly content. The thing (that which I’m trying so hard to pin down with my crooked finger, in vain, it would appear) is that, among other things, before I got here I didn’t really expect to bubble over with joy or euphoria and suchlike, given that the novelty of ‘shipping’ would’ve naturally worn out with the first trip. I pretty much predicted a mild, unobtrusive contentment. Beige-like. I expected to be beige. And beige I am. What’s getting my goat now, then, is why I’m still disoriented and unsettled, when everything has so gone according to ‘plan’. And that’s how Pompous Fact #2726 comes to the rescue -- Even ‘beige’ expectations will always exceed the actual… um… state of ‘being beige’.


I think I should stick exclusively to photo-posts for these ship stints. The novelty of offshore sunsets is considerably more resilient.

*jumping overboard*

PS. Yikes! I can't get over how much these pics look like ones I took from the Trident. So much for resilience. But do forgive... as with macros, it'd take a great deal for these sunsets to get old. At least for me.


H.S. said...

Bemused to death. :))

Anu said...

You notice everything! :D
Slightly borrowed from the title to one of Roger Waters' solo albums.