Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Demon Days

That's about the closest thing to 'sunset' I've managed to watch in days. Well, alright, five days, but that really is downright shocking and reprehensible and terrible and head-shakingly sorrowful by my standards. Offshore-ing standards, that be. A far, far cry from March when I shamelessly flooded this blog with enough pictures similar enough to be made into animation! Which, I absolutely swear I never did. But then again, the alternative to less sunset pictures here means more spouting of words and things, in trite, bloggy "trains of thought" and "fragments" and "ponderings" and thoroughly pretentious rhetoric.

Er... I think I'll stop now.

Post title courtesy a Gorillaz album. Which I have, but can't quite remember if I've heard entirely. It's always usually (hmm... isn't that some kind of oxymoron?) El MaƱana. I would've preferred it being called 'Today', but 'Hoy' doesn't quite have the same ring to it, now, does it?

Title also in tribute to Samit Basu. Read the last bits of The Simoqin Prophecies this morning and grinned wildly for absolute hours. And since nearly everyone here positively despises bobbing about for five weeks straight, of course they think I'm thoroughly weird and smile and nod benignly at me, probably muttering "Poor thing. Losing her mind, she is," to themselves. Um, actually, more likely they're fantasising about that first beer as soon as they land on solid ground.

Mmmmmm. Am finally taking the time to sit down, do mostly nothing, and drown in music that I've had to reluctantly set aside for days now. Such immensely pure bliss!

Ok, I've absolutely stopped now. Really.


H.S. said...

Have been intending to read the simoqin book for a while now. Making mental note to self :)

Anu said...

You absolutely, definitely, inexcusably must! :)

H.S. said...

Hey! Longest hiatus on this blog?

Anu said...

Yup! :( Just remedied that, though...