Tuesday, March 20, 2007


... was one of those gorgeously overcast days that I love and love and love to death. Fanatically. Fuzzy horizon, deceptively still waters, grey. Everything grey, so yummily grey! Heck, if I could, I swear I'd walk around with a huge, monstrosity of a grey cloud hovering over me, tied to my head with a string and everything. THAT fanatic. Really. Really, really! Grey and fuzz and rain and gloomy weather like this bring out that manically delighted, ever so slightly-unhinged inner child that's just dying to burst to the surface and stay there, clucking and gulping happily at everything.

But I digress. Right, the grey. So, grey as hell it was. But then it whitened up a bit and I hmpfed in the general direction of the horizon. Which, here, is absolutely all around me. Anyway, I hmpfed.

Then stuff happened. Sunset stuff. I guess a week of belting out evening after evening of well-behaved, dignified sunsets with those conventionally dashing good looks was probably a bit much for that Mamma Nature. She hmpfed right back at me, with a big, fat "So there!", smack in my face. I would've stood there on the helideck examining my toes with the appropriate amount of contrition, except I was too busy taking pictures. And clucking.

Note: I am, in fact, muchly aware that the last pic contains more than the amount of pink-in-sky I would normally tolerate. However, given the exceptional day, and the fact that I was sternly made to examine my toes, to eat my "hmpf", so to speak, well, I'd call those extenuating circumstances.

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