Monday, March 19, 2007

Hello, world!

This is IT! It's finally happened... I'm... *gasp*... blogging!

*pause for effect*

Pah, ok, not really. All I've managed to garner the courage to do is set up this photoblog thingummie (thanks to persistent, consistent, dogged, and truly much, much appreciated nagging by Kray and Hema :)), so all you'll mostly see here are photos, mostly of sunsets and skies and clouds and water and ocean and things. Not pink skies... hate them pink skies. Grr. And there'll be heaps of clouds, really, I'm not exaggerating. I'm a cloud junkie, but sunsets are my next favourite fix. Oohh oohh, the best is when 'dem clouds and 'dat setting sun hang out together and chew the fat for a bit.

And then I get into one of those deliriously, blissfully, annoyingly, hopping-about-all-over-the-place (I really do hop, ask the people around me) happy moods. And life is astonishingly wonderful all over again.


H.S. said...

Up above the sky so high. *sigh*
Like a diamond in the sky.

Anu said...

And yippeee, for being my first.. um.. commentator! :D