Saturday, June 09, 2007


Memory is impossible to decipher. Read through my post earlier today, and couldn't for the life of me recollect who the "new mentor" that I dreamed about last night was/is. Thought and thought. Scratched my head, wrinkled my forehead, kneaded my cheeks, and contorted my face into grotesquely comical expressions. Racked my brains and desperately clawed at my stubbornly mute mind, and ultimately gave up. Some things, so fragile, so transient, once misplaced, are lost forever.

The Perth Zoo, as with most things in this city, is, I regret to confess, dull as mud. The Orang-utan's expression sums it up, really.

This last pic below was what caught my fancy the most, however, in a zoo bursting with vain attempts at exoticness. Hundreds of names etched into the tight, firm, brooding green trunks. White on green. Futile attempts at scratching out the inevitable anonymity of life. I couldn't decide if this made me depressed, scornful, or merely bemused. I think I'll choose bemusement. It's wonderfully vague, impersonal.

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